
Fitness Trainer

You'd be surprised how many of these guys are working. Most of them work for cash and train people in their own homes - or at a local gym. When they do, they often get paid on the spot and therefore are in a position to hid some or most of their income from the IRS.

It seems only fitness guys or bodybuilders are able to do this kind of work. Not true! I've seen obese guys giving fitness lessons to people in worse shape than they are in. When you are younger - say under 30, you can even be somewhat fat and be a trainer. After the age of 30, you really need to be slim.

Remember that most people think fat means out of shape and thin means fit. You can be thin and completely lethargic and sick most of the time and most people will see you as fit and trim.

An active fitness trainer will earn probably about $400-$500 per week with effort. Not many people stay with the same fitness trainer for long, so you will have to be always generating more business. This can be difficult, so you have to be the kind of person who is willing to always be selling.